Dear Church Family
While the public health orders have been lifted and we are able to meet in-person with no restrictions, the health and safety of our church family and weekly visitors continue to be a priority at Fleetwood Gospel Hall. With this in mind we will continue to follow the official recommendations from the Minister of Health in BC in how we gather on a Sunday morning to worship, and throughout the week.​
We have officially resumed all weekly services, and again are welcoming visits from our friends and neighbours. Church is a people, and not a building, and we'd love for you to visit. Come say Hi.. bring your kids.
If you are still uncomfortable meeting in person, we will be continuing to broadcast our services with weekly Zoom based prayer, worship, teaching, and children's classes. We encourage you to take advantage of these resources and spend some time with us online in the Word of God. Just email or register for your personalized link.
Prayer Is Powerful
Don’t forget, we are the church! We care for one another and want to support each other as much as possible during these uncertain and challenging times.
We believe in the power of prayer. Our God is sovereign, He is for us, and He is not anxious. Whatever you would like prayer for – stress, anxiety, fear, illness, financial strain – anything at all, please use the prayer request tab or click here. Your prayer requests will be shared privately in our prayer group and prayed for.
If you are experiencing any signs of fever or sickness please stay home and self-isolate, contact a primary cafe provider, local public health office, or call 8-1-1. Please continue to take the recommended personal preventative measures AS OUTLINED BY THE BCCDC.
Make pursuing God your primary passion in this time. He really is alive, is in control, and is not nervous. He is truly our only peace, hope and trust. As I write this, one staff member sent me Isaiah 26:3, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you”. Read that verse one more time. May we grow in our intimacy with Jesus and obey with passion the first commandment.
Connected to this, it will be very ‘natural’ to want to ‘feed’ our flesh and escape into binge watching the news and/or Netflix instead of saying “Jesus has this. I need to sit alone with Him and read and pray.” Furthermore, it will be too easy to not realize some of the unfiltered thoughts we let flow in our heads are not only from us, but are also from the enemy.
In 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Paul says, “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”
Please take the time to love one another through FaceTime, Messenger, Zoom, phone calls, texts, etc. The Spirit can use you. If God gives you a word of encouragement or a verse or puts someone on your heart, please reach out to build one another up.
Never hesitate to reach out if you’re feeling lonely, worried, etc:
Fleetwood Gospel Hall is a Christian non-denominational assembly of like minded believers.